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This is us!

Učenci 7. a in 7. b smo vključeni v mednarodni projekt eTwinning z naslovom THIS IS US! V projektu sodeluje šest različnih šol iz petih različnih držav. Sloveniji in Španiji, ki sta projekt ustanovili, so se pridružile tudi Italija (dve šoli, od katerih je ena na Siciliji), Romunija in Turčija.

Tukaj si lahko preberete program.



The main focus of this project is to get to know students from partner countries, their habits, culture, language, country, traditions and everyday lifestyles. It will give students the chance to not only work on their English skills but also to enable them to use English in a real context with real people, fostering a real need for communication.


The main objectives of the project include:

  • To get to know new friends and their everyday lifestyles.
  • To get to know other countries, their culture, habits, traditions and compare them with their own.
  • To practise their English
  • To use English to communicate with their new friends in a real context


Students will do different activities over a period of one year. Every month, they will make a video, presentation, poster, etc. or they will write a letter on the chosen topic. There will be 12 topics – one for each month.

1. OCTOBER: In the first month, the students introduce themselves. They write about their age, city, school, family, friends, free time activities etc. 
2. NOVEMBER: In the second month, they write about their school in more detail. They describe their teachers, school subjects and timetable. They include their most and least favourite things about their school.
3. DECEMBER: In the third month, the focus is on Christmas so the students describe their traditions at this time of the year and include a hand-made Christmas card to send to all their partner countries.
4. JANUARY: Students work on “Winter Joys”: Winter activities they do in their countries.
5. FEBRUARY: In the fifth month, they describe their country. They think about the culture and traditions of their country and try to teach their new friends a phrase or a sentence in their language.
6. MARCH: The sixth month is about food. They write about their favourite food as well as some of the traditional dishes in their country. They exchange a recipe.
7. APRIL: Easter – They tell about different Easter traditions and symbols.
8. MAY: They write about their town in the fourth month where they include their favourite places, monuments, parks and other places of interest.
9. JUNE: They describe festivals in their countries.
10. & 11. JULY & AUGUST. students focus on summer holidays where they discuss how they normally spend their summer holidays and include last year. (This topic will be discussed in September).
SEPTEMBER: Discussing summer holidays
12. OCTOBER: Students think and predict their future (where they will  live, what they will do, what their future lives will be like, etc.).


  • Students will learn English in a more motivating way.
  • They will get in touch with students from other countries.
  • They will compare their traditions, habits and lifestyles with those of the students in other countries.

Oktobra smo se predstavili. Napisali smo nekaj o sebi, svojih hobijih in vsakdanu. Slike opisov smo naložili v orodje Padlet in vse vključili v našo spletno učilnico Twinspace. Tudi učenci smo člani spletne učilnice in lahko tako aktivno sodelujemo in soustvarjamo v projektu.

Za november bomo predstavili šolo. Lea že pridno sestavlja opis šole, ki mu bomo dodali slike, tako da bodo lahko naši novi evropski prijatelji videli, kakšna je naša šola.

Prav tako zaključujemo z izbiro loga za naš projekt. Tudi naši Lea in Samaja ter Gal so narisali svoje predloge.

December smo posvetili prihajajočim praznikom. V vsako državo smo poslali vsaj eno voščilnico z lepimi željami. Unikatne voščilnice so prispevali Neža, Ines, Lea in Amar.

V eno državo pa smo poslali tudi paket presenečenja, ki že potuje v Italijo. K nam bo paket prispel iz Romunije.
